Monday, September 14, 2009

MY BRAIN – A Praise Poem

This brain is my brain
It is big and roomy.
At times it seems filled with clutter
And then I sort of snort and mutter.
Time to expand.
Make room for more.
No – not clutter, but something unknown.
What will it be today?
A trip to the moon
Or singing an old tune.

My brain is a magic brain.
It can picture anything.
Its imagination brings forth treasures
Of the most marvelous pleasures.
My brain is always making word pictures
Stories that entertain uplift or inform.

My brain has hidden cubbyholes
That hide the past of things long gone
Then when I am unaware
My brain brings them forth for me to share.
My brain is the engine
And I am its driver.
Praise be to my brain!

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