Saturday, July 05, 2008

The Knights Templar - Another Point of View

There is a mystique about the Knights Templar and I became intrigued with their history in 1991 when I read Genisis The First Book of Revelations by David Wood. Wood had become interested in the Languedoc region of France surrounding Rennes le Chateau and he is well-versed in sacred geometry as well as being adept at mapping. Wood discovered that there were pentagram templates in this mountainous area that produced unbelievable correspondence between churches and chateaus which dated between the 11th and 12th century AD.

Recently I viewed the documentary Bloodline, produced by Rene Barnett and directed by Bruce Burgess, which is a fascinating film about the discovery of a hidden tomb near Rennes-le-Chateau with a mummified body covered with a white shroud and a Knights Templar red cross symbol on it. In the film, Burgess interviews a member or a representative of the Priory of Sion, which surfaced in the 1950's. What emerged from this interview is that there is an underground temple under this area of Languedoc. What part have the Knights Templar played? How much did they know?

To answer this, I have gone back to my own personal research and also to the knowledge I have gained from being a long-time student of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment, an academy of quantum physics of the mind. As a student, I have been taught about esoteric philosophy and also about the ancient schools of wisdom with the most prominent ones being in Egypt.

The Knights Templar came into being after the First Crusade of 1096, supposedly in 1118 AD and initially with nine knights. These nine knights having formed a monastic order took in no new members for nine years. This is most interesting. What were they doing during those nine years? When the Order was formed, King Baldwin II of Jerusalem gave them quarters in the Temple Mount. The Temple Mount was the captured Al Aqasa Mosque and carried a mystique. The Templar's referred to it as the Temple of Solomon. Why?

It is believed that Solomon's Temple was in Jerusalem, however there is evidence that the Temple was located in Egypt and I will write another posting on that subject. Solomon is also noted for his wisdom. There is a possibility that the nine knights studied in an ancient school of wisdom during those nine years and when they had learned about sacred geometry and the power of the mind, they began taking in new members. I have also learned that many great men - and some women have had to use a cover to hide their ability to do the Great Work. Therefore, there are many misconceptions as to the true nature of some very great people. History is fluid and if one digs deep enough, another truth will emerge.

The Templar's brought back not only sacred geometry, but sacred knowledge and under the cover of the Order of the Knights Templar also known as the Poor Soldiers of Christ. Using the knowledge they had gained, the Order became very rich and were able to build churches. What better way to leave a record for someone in the future to know that the churches and chateaus in the area of Rennes-le-Chateau formed a pentagram indicating a sacred temple under the mountainious area?

Another clue is a well-known drawing of two knights riding together on one horse. This is a clue that there is another side to their purpose and true nature, which is applying esoteric knowledge. Leading a double life, they knew they could not apply this knowledge unless it was hidden from the Catholic Church. Therefore, they used the Church to cover their true purpose. In essence, they were living dual lives. This symbol does represent poverty. It is the obvious unobvious.

The Church has promoted the idea that the pentagram is of the Devil. Not at all. It is the skeleton of the star and it is used on many flags. The flag of the U.S. has fifty stars based on the skeleton of the pentagram. As a child I remember drawing pentagrams with my doodling. No one taught me. The symbol of the pentagram is ancient and the five points represents the human body. Think about it. Stand with your legs and feet stretched apart and your arms straight out. Mentally draw a line from the left foot up to the top of the head and then down to the right foot. Next draw a line from the right foot to the tip of the left hand and then bring the line to the tip of your right hand. Next, draw a line from the outstretched right hand to the left foot. One can get an idea of this from Leonardo DaVinci's Vitruvian Man.

Ancient symbols have carried messages to the human and few realize their full meanings. Therefore, the fact that the Knights Templar were knowledgeable in ancient or esoteric knowledge is revealed in the churches they were responsible for building and the sites they chose. Another clue that is evident reveals itself in their ability to keep alive the Divine Feminine in the form of Mary Magdalene. It is my perspective that the Knights purposely dressed the way they did and also took vows of poverty and chastity to hide their true intent.

Perhaps they learned during those nine years in Jerusalem - or elsewhere that Mary Magdalene was equal to Jesus and that she was also an initiate in a school of ancient knowledge. We do not know for sure that the nine Knights spent all their nine years in Jerusalem supposedly digging for hidden treasure. Their treasure was expanding their minds in the midst of the control of the Church and kings. It is very evident the Knights revered the Divine Feminine and passed this knowledge on to initiates of the mystery schools located under the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris and the Chartres Cathedral in Chartres.

When King Phillip of France seized the assets of the Knights Templar and set out to kill all of them, one of the things they were accused of was worshipping a skull named Baphomet. There were artists who were painting a skull with Mary Magdalene and most of the interpretations have missed what it represented. The skull houses the brain and the brain is the greatest computer ever conceived and created. The skull represents sacred knowledge and that everyone has the ability to access it.

In my books Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls and Mary Magdalene, Her Legacy, I have strived to portray a side of Mary Magdalene that has been ignored by mainstream scholars who continue to shift through the dry bones of the New Testament. There was and is another side to who and what she was. One clue comes from the Eastern Orthodox Church, which has a tradition of painting eggs red at Easter. The story is that after Jesus' death and resurrection, that Mary Magdalene attended a banquet given by Roman Emperor Tiberius Caesar and when questioned by him replied "Christ is risen." Tiberius handed her a hardboiled egg from the banquet table and handed to her. He told her that he would believe her if she turned the egg red. Within a blink of an eye, the egg turned red. There had to be something great about her for this legend to have been passed down through hundreds of years.

Therefore, the Knights Templar did their part by keeping her memory alive along with the Divine Feminine. There is much more symbology revealed in the churches they were responsible for building and that is another blog posting.

Thursday, July 03, 2008


The word freedom has been interpreted in many ways, but are we free? Here in the U.S. we celebrate the 4th of July with picnics, bar-b-ques, displaying the American flag and proclaiming we are patriotic Americans. The majority of the people have no idea that instead of freedom that we have been carefully herded into enslavement. We are an enslaved people, because we are enslaved to our beliefs, our attitudes and our habits.
It has been eons since women were free. Women have been treated no better than a servant in the majority of the world. Women have been under the thumb of the males for the most part. There have been and are men who treat women a equals and I honor them. When I say men or males in this article, I am talking about the men who wield power over women. Women are still considered sex objects and the dumb blond jokes are sickening because they demean intelligent women who happen to have blond hair.
Religions have perpetuated the enslavement of women by not allowing them to take their rightful place in the pulpit whether it be Catholic, Protestant, Jew or Muslim. For the most part, it is still the women all over the world who bear the children. I do not think the male has the capacity--yet. Am I anti-male? Not at all. I have three sons who are wonderful men, husbands and fathers.
How do we break the chains of enslavement? How many have the strength and will to say no? One of the first chains to break is that of prejudice. Too many people look upon others with suspicion because they are different. What if each of us began to accept the differences in other people and look for something wonderful about them? What if each of us dropped our prejudices against color, language, dress and an opposing belief in God?
What if we women teach our children not to be prejudice and this includes making fun of others. Children can be cruel in many ways, because they are echos of what they hear and learn in the home. Name-calling by children is a cruel past-time. Shame on we women if we allow this in our children.
We have also become enslaved to the advertising corporate world. It use to be that when digestive aids were advertised on television that it was aimed at the older people. Now, I have noticed the actors in these ads are for the most part women that look to be in their thirties. It is subtle programming that one is sick. If women would begin to think for themselves and to look at the commercials as an observer, then a different picture would begin to form and all we have to do is refuse to buy the products. It is time to be discerning.
We women have a brain the same as men. We each have highways in our brain labeled neuronets. Our highways are activated by the belief systems, attitudes and emotions we perpetuate. Freedom comes with a price and that is to give up trying to be like everyone else and this goes for men also.
On this 4th of July, freedom is calling out. It is an opportunity to examine our prejudices, what pushes our buttons, to forgive ourselves and others, and to work for the equality of all people all over the world.
As long as you keep a person down, some part of you has to be down there to hold him down, so it means you cannot soar as you otherwise might.- Marian Anderson

Monday, June 30, 2008

Bloodline of Mary Magdalene and Jesus

After my book Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls was published, I began receiving numerous emails from people who allege that they are of the bloodline of Mary Magdalene and Jesus. I have endeavored to research and for my own satisfaction determine if anyone can really claim to be of that lineage. My own personal view is that there could be millions who are of that bloodline so who am I to throw those claims out with the bathwater.
There are those who claims that there are royalty who are of the bloodline. Some could be, however I have concluded from my research that there is no absolute record of the bloodline being only those of royal blood. The genealogy charts mean nothing, because few include the names of the mothers. It is a scientific fact that the genetic bloodline is handed down through the mother through her mitochondria. If a woman has no daughters to carry on the bloodline and only gives birth to sons, then the mitochondria lineage dies. I gave birth to three sons, therefore my mitochondria genetics will not be carried on. My sister had three girls and her mitochondria genetics is carried on through them.
In the book Hebrew Pharaohs of Egypt by Ahmed Osman, he writes that it was a common agreement that the descent of the pharaohic line was carried by the eldest daughter and the eldest son married her in order to keep the title of Pharaoh. One can surmise and understand why there was so much intermarriage by Egyptian pharaohs. It is also known that in order to be Jewish that one must have a Jewish mother. Therefore it seems unlikely that the royalty of Europe are the only carriers of the bloodline.
The major claims are that Mary Magdalene came from the Tribe of Benjamin. There is absolutely no proof. The Benjamin's were virtually killed off and I am sure that in those days no written records survived. With the destruction of the Great Library at Alexandria, Egypt by a Roman attack, the destruction by Islamic conquerors and later a Christian leader in Alexandria, most of the history of the ancient world was lost. It was known that the Romans kept meticulous records, however when the Catholic church became powerful most of their records were destroyed. Of course, we cannot totally blame the Church because Rome was sacked by the Visigoths, Vandals, Arab Saracens and many others. Then we have to take into consideration that there was destruction by Attila the Hun and many lost documents by the wars among the many tribes of Europe.
There is a mystique that the bloodline was carried through the Merovingian kings, also known as the shepherd kings. My research indicates that this is unlikely. The Merovingian line came from one of the Frankish tribes of Gaul and it was not unto the 5th century that the title of king was given to Clodion by Bishop Gregory of Tours According to The Birth of France by Katherine Scherman: It is impossible to pinpoint pre-fifth-century individuals of this family that was to become supreme. Scherman goes to to say, The first member of this ruling clan to be historically identified was Clodion, in the pages of the sixth-century History of the Franks, by Gregory of Tours.
Schermon also writes: The Church even respected, perforce, traditional Frankish usage in royal concubinage; illegitimacy reflected no taint on the children. Merovingian blood was above stigma. It mattered not whether a child was the offspring of a princess or a serving maid, nor whether his mother was or was not orthodoxly married to his father. If the Merovingian father acknowledge his son, the child was a Merovingian too.
Apparently, they were not too concerned with their bloodline. It is tragic that there are countries of this world who kill female babies such as in India and China. Especially knowing that the true genetic bloodline passes through the mother's mitochondria only to female offspring.
Where do the Knights Templar fit into the scenario of the bloodline of Mary Magdalene and Jesus? Well, that will be my next blog posting.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Bloodline Connection

Bloodline - the documentary. I highly recommend seeing this film. It reads almost like a mystery/spy thriller filmed in the area of Rennes le Chateau, France. I had the opportunity to interview the director Bruce Burgess and producer Rene Barnett on May 15 on my show. This interview is now archived. What is the film about? Ah, this is a film for those who want to know more about the Knights Templar, Priory of Sion, the mystery of Rennes le Chateau, the priest Sauniere and if there is a connection to the bloodline of Mary Magdalene and Jesus.
An Englishman became enamored with the mystery of Rennes le Chateau. He spent a number of years consuming hours of his time researching the clues Sauniere left in the small church at Rennes le Chateau. He found clues and meticulously followed them, which led him to discover a hidden tomb containing a mummified body with a shroud over it. The shroud had a Knights Templar cross on it. The tomb has not been fully excavated at this point in time and there is much, much more to be revealed.
I recently had the opportunity to meet in person, Rene and Bruce at a showing of the documentary in Yelm, Washington. The theater was packed and of course, the audience wanted to hear more. One of the interesting items is that after the film was released in May, a report came back from the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit in the UK and I hope I got the name of this correct. One of the paper clues found was sent for carbon dating and the results came back that it probably was written during the period of Sauniere's life when he was leaving clues of his major discovery.
If there is not a theater near you where you may see this outstanding documentary, you can view the trailer Bloodline on YouTube or the official website,
There are interesting questions. Is this mummified body Mary Magdalene? Why was a body buried with a Knights Templar shroud? Will the eventual excavation of the tomb reveal even more startling information? In my books Secrets of the Magdalene Scrolls and Mary Magdalene, Her Legacy I give a portrayal of Mary Magdalene and the beginning of her bloodline that is as plausible as any research I have uncovered. Mary Magdalene represents the divine feminine in each of us, which has been suppressed for years. It is time for the revelation of her greatness come forth. Stay tuned for more is to be revealed.