Friday, November 10, 2006


Bettye Johnson

The elections are over and the Democrats now have control of the U.S. Congress. It is also a time for women to assert their power. We have a woman as Speaker of the House of Representatives – Nancy Pelosi – the first ever in the history of the United States! Changes are coming. We have been instrumental in this change and I honor all women for giving their time and energy.

There are more ‘firsts’. In Washington State there are two women U.S. senators – Senator Maria Cantwell and Senator Patty Murray and a woman governor – Chris Gregoire. There could be many more ‘firsts’ such as Calif. U.S. Senator Barbara Box becoming the chairwoman for the Environment and Public Works Committee, Senator Maria Cantwell, chairwoman of the Energy Committee.

This is a threat to the predominant male ego and these are powerful women. I urge each of us to let our representatives know what we want. I for one want a woman to have the decision over her body. I want to encourage stem cell research that can extend and save lives. I want to see an end to the Iraq war that is putting money in the pockets of the oilmen, munitions men and exploiting women. I want women all over the world to be free from enslavement. These are only a few of the changes I am working for.

There is a CARE2 commercial showing women of different ethnic backgrounds walking across a desert and they begin saying “I am powerful” over and over. If every woman would take a walk and repeat these words over and over, we would take back our power.

On the November 2 Larry King Live Show, there were four men and 1 womn on a panel for the program entitled “Beyond Positive Thinking.” Think about the two words ‘positive thinking.’ For eons women have been considered to be negative and men positive. What do you think the words ‘positive thinking’ mean to a woman? Subconsciously it could mean that since she is considered to be a negative gender that she is bad or evil.

JZ Knight was the lone female on the panel and they placed her at the very end. The four men were the creators of the movie/documentary The Secret. Of course, this was not announced on the program. I learned this later. It was obvious that men wanted to out-do Knight, but she gave some fabulous information. When she was asked about positive thinking she replied that she did not subscribe to those two words because of the women/negative vs men/positive. She said she subscribed to the words affirmative thinking. I agree with her.

t is time for we women to shun positive thinking and become affirmative thinkers! Knight said that each of us should say when we first wake up in the morning, “I am Wonderful.” “I am genius.” We can add the words from the CARE2 ad: I am powerful! If all women would use these three phrases throughout the day, we would become what we say we are.

All of the male panelists on the Larry King show have drawn on greater motivators from the past and produced a slick documentary titled The Secret. What they are promoting is not new. It is old thinking done up in a new slick package.

We women must develop our own package of Affirmative Thinking. I Am Wonderful. I Am Genius. I Am Powerful. This should be our mantra. Years ago I learned to make cards and draw what I wanted in my life. Some call this Treasure Mapping. It works. I urge all women to become Treasure Mappers using Affirmative Thinking.

We women cannot change men. They can only change themselves. However, we can become role models for our sons, grandsons, our daughters and granddaughters. We can become a light unto the world. It begins with each one of us. We can share what works for us and what didn’t. I have three beautiful sons who are great men. I am not anti-male. I am only anti-hypocrisy and anti-prejudice. I am also against religions that keep the rights of women suppressed. We are each one unique and loved by the Creator equally. It is time to regain our power.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Bettye Johnson ©

Mystery. It appears that all the world loves a mystery and one of the most intriguing is the mystery of the Holy Grail. According to some records, the earliest writing came from a French poet named Robert de Boron who lived in the 12th – 13th centuries and his poem Joseph d”Armathie tells of Joseph bringing the Holy Grail from Palestine after the crucifixion of Jesus. The Holy Grail has been depicted as a magic cauldron; a silver chalice, a dish, bowl, plate or the cup used by Mary Magdalene or Joseph of Arimathea to catch the blood of Jesus after a Roman soldier supposedly named Longinus pierced his side with a spear. It has also said that it was the cup Jesus drank from at the Last Supper. Many have portrayed Mary Magdalene carrying the Holy Grail to Europe in the form of her children after the crucifixion.

In the 12th century, the wonderful tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table emerged and the search for the Holy Grail became their mission. From these stories came the age of the romance stories passed around by bards and troubadours.

There are some writers who say that the myth of the Holy Grail originated from a Celtic myth of Bran the Blessed, which tells the tale of Bran an archetypal British Celtic hero. It is possible that Bran became the basis of the character known as the Arthurian romance Fisher King. Within all myths and legends there is a seed of truth with many of the facts becoming distorted. If you have ever played the ‘Telephone’ or ‘Whisper’ game, then you will understand my meaning.

When one looks at the etymology of the word Grail, it is an adaptation of the Old French word graal meaning cup or flat dish; or it could be from the M.Latin gradalis meaning a dish brought to the table in different courses of a meal. Meandering from this definition, we can go to the Greek word krater whose meaning is mixing wine with water.

The word graal or grail evolved into saint graal or sang real meaning Holy Grail. This, in turn evolved into sang rial meaning royal blood. From this we have a proliferation of books and stories regarding the Merovingian lineage as being the royal blood of Mary Magdalene and Jesus.

I am going to digress for a moment and bring in King David from the Old Testament. It is written that he had 300 wives. If each wife had only one child, then David would have 300 plus children and if each of them had two children, then picture a huge pyramid of a dynasty. There would be deaths, wars, and inter-marriage and considering some did not live to be an adult, it brings the lineage to an extravagant number of descendents. Mary Magdalene and Jesus had two children and if each of these children had children and they inter-married, think of how many descendents they would have and not all would be only the royalty of Europe. The myth of the Holy Grail is found only in the Western world and spawned by Christianity.

What are the attributes of the Holy Grail? It has been written that it is a goal that is distant and an almost impossible or unobtainable goal to achieve. We have only to read the stories of the Knights of the Round Table to get the picture. When I was a little girl, there was a comic strip titled Prince Valiant. It was created in 1937 and this Nordic Arthurian prince traveled the world over and is still in print telling of his heroic deeds and the perils he surmounted. In the beginning he was searching for the Holy Grail.

The Holy Grail stories have always portrayed the male as the seeker and usually there is a fair maiden that he rescues from time to time. As with most his-stories, the female is relegated to a lesser role. However, lets examine other attributes. The hero must prove himself worthy and must grow spiritually and mentally. It is said that it is a symbol of God’s grace and available to all and only fully realized by those who seek and prepare themselves spiritually. This includes the females. Now, we are getting to the crux of the issue.

It is time to take the wrappers off of the symbol of the Holy Grail and reveal its true meaning. The wise ones, both female and male, who have gone before us, prepared the way by leaving a trail of symbols whose meanings have become meaningless or distorted on one level. However, there is a code within our brain that resonates with certain symbols and we know they have a deeper meaning. The Holy Grail is one such symbol.

The greatest deterrent to one’s Journey is religion. Religion and spirituality are not the same. Religion has become a form of control and it doesn’t matter which sect one is affiliated with, the message is the same that one must conform to their set of beliefs and rules. One must believe that a god outside of self is the only way to salvation and redemption and usually this includes a belief in the devil or Satan. Anything else is labeled the anti-christ.

The true seeker may dabble in a religion for a time, but becomes dissatisfied and seeks something that will bring inner peace and knowing. There is a longing to know more and this is part of the Journey. Over the ages, women and men have been kept in a proletarian state of mind – or a captive mind. The seeker is seeking to break out of her or his captivity.

Each society has its own set of morals and values and it is up to the individual to examine hers or his and discard those that do not serve Self. Self is the higher aspect of self and it is the seat of our spirituality. We have been taught conformity and there comes a moment when we know we must break away from our past programming. This is all part of the Journey – the Quest.

Buddha has been quoted as saying that it is better to conquer yourself than to fight a battle and Ramtha the Enlightened one has said, go and conquer yourself. There have been many messages left to us such as the inscription of the Oracle of Apollo at Delphi, Greece from 6 B.C.: Know thyself. Even Plato said know thyself. Shakespeare wrote in his play Hamlet: This above all: to thine own self be true. Sir Francis Bacon left a profound message: Knowledge is power.

The Holy Grail represents the Quest or the Journey that each of us has undertaken when we left the house of our Creator. We hold within us the tools to carry us through life or lifetimes, but the perils we have to battle are those of our fears, emotions and beliefs. We become ensnared in our own fears, judgments, biases, prejudices, and the emotions of jealousy, resentment, anger, and in the hopes of redemption we think there is something or someone outside of our self while not realizing that we must conquer our self in order to know Self.

I can only share knowledge and wisdom I have gained during my own Journey, which has been one of many twists and turns. Sometimes it appeared I was butting up against a stone wall, but by perseverance I went through the wall. Each twist and turn has a gift in the form of wisdom and it is up to each of us to discover the wisdom in our own experiences. The Great Labyrinth in the Cathedral at Chartres, France is a lasting symbol left there by the Knights Templar and it represents the Journey of each individual. This is why so many visitors to the Cathedral resonate to it whether they are Christian, Atheist, Agnostic, Hindu, Buddhist or Muslim. It is a universal symbol.

My quest began at the age of forty when a thought came into my head, by the time you are fifty, your life will be different. At that time I was becoming a disillusioned a WASP Republican housewife. For those of you who do not know what WASP is, it stands for “white, Anglo-Saxon, protestant. “ At age fifty I had a ‘coming-out’ party celebrating my new status of being a divorcee and on my Journey of discovery. I was like a sponge soaking up all the knowledge and experience I could get. I studied Religious Science, Divine Science, Unity, metaphysics, meditation, a multitude modalities of healing, the tarot, astrology, crystals and perhaps other modalities that I do not remember. A well-known and often repeated statement is, when the student is ready, the teacher appears.

It was the last week in December of 1982 when my new husband and I attended a weeklong spiritual workshop at Asilomar, California with Dr. Brugh Joy and David Spangler. On the 30th of December, the evening program was three people who would channel their entities and talk about peace. I was not into channeling and I lay back on the floor thinking how boring. The first two people did their thing and then the third was a petite blond from Tacoma, Washington who left her body and the moment her entity took over and said “Indeed!” I shot up into a sitting position and was mesmerized. I knew that I knew him and that I had heard him before. I also knew he was a Master Teacher. I had never heard of Ramtha the Enlightened One, but I knew this teacher. Later I knew I recognized him from a soul memory.

I did not fully understand this encounter and still caught up in my new relationship and becoming a minister of Divine Science, I now realize I was completing unfinished business and did not reconnect with Ramtha until 1985 when I was invited to see a video of him. I have been a student of Ramtha ever since and my husband and I moved to Washington state in 1986.

Each of us is to connect with a teacher at some point in either in this life or a lifetime to come. Ramtha is not necessarily the teacher for everyone. He so happens to mine. The Ramtha School of Enlightenment in Yelm, Washington is an academy of the mind and also of Gnostic teachings. We are each one a facet of the Creator and it is an individual journey so that the Creator may know itself.

Ramtha has taught that we are here to make known the unknown and that is the quest for the Holy Grail. There is no one path for all because we are each a facet of the Creator and we are each individuals with our own destiny. The Holy Grail is the unique facet of the Creator in you. You are the Mystery.

Friday, September 01, 2006


Bettye Johnson ©

Do you know the meaning of the words you speak or think? If you do then you are among the exceptional. Most people have no idea what the words they say mean. The original meaning of a common word often becomes changed through translation or by design. Today the words boss and cool have different meanings from the originals and come under the heading of slang. This is a method of changing the meaning of words. History is filled with many changed words.

When Christianity began spreading throughout Europe many pagan words and celebrations were altered to bring the pagans into the fold of the Church. One such celebration is Easter. Originally Easter or Eastre was the name of a pagan goddess of spring and the church officials turned the celebration into a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.

Some years ago I attended a talk given by Ramtha, the hierophant of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment. His teaching was titled “Ignorance is the Mother of Devotion.” I remember that when I left, the connection between ignorance and devotion had not been clear to me. As with many of Ramtha’s teachings not all the i’s or t’s are dotted or crossed. I came to the realization that he wants us to find the dots and discovered the connections for ourselves.

This pulled at my mind for a few years and I finally began to research the meaning of devotion. It didn’t take much research. All I had to do was go to my trusty New World Dictionary, Second College Edition and look up the word. The archaic or original meanings for devote was entirely different from the common usage today. The meaning I found said: to curse or doom.

This led me to seek further. I knew de is the prefix meaning separation or away from but what was vote? Vote came from the Latin word vatum meaning a wish, a vow or a prayer. I began to see that the original meaning was changed and used to bring the conquered pagans into the fold – so to speak.

I began to note how the change affected our evolution. We (I am using this collectively) now became devoted to our church, our children, our family, or our whatever. The frequency of the original meaning was still contained within the word. We had been programmed to give our attention to something or somebody outside of ourselves. We became ignorant of our true purpose and the knowingness that god is within each person regardless of religion, culture, race or creed. In essence, we were hi-jacked into giving our power away to something outside of us. We became ignorant and therefore ignorance is the mother of devotion.

In realizing this, I began examining my own perceptions of what I was devoted to. I realized that there were some and I quickly changed my attitudes when I became aware of the word’s true meaning. My realization is that when I was devoted to something outside myself whether it be children, husband, politics or a cause then I was giving away my power of self. Self is always seeking to be known. I did not give up my children or my husband.

I also learned that love is not attachment. I gradually began weaning myself away from my attachments to become detached. By being detached, I could love and allow those in my life to develop their own self. My deceased sister was a devoted woman to her family, her church and her clubs she belonged to. She developed carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists and was told to rest and restrict her activities. I spoke with her and told her it was a marvelous opportunity to get to know herself. She responded that she didn’t like to be alone with herself. I didn’t argue with her however I was saddened that she felt she needed outside activities to strengthen her worth. It indicated to me that she really had no self worth and this beautiful woman died of cancer of the liver. Cancer denotes self-hatred.

Too many people give away their attention and their power to what they are devoted to whether it be television, movies, family, religion, hatreds, prejudices, anger, sports or anything that ones attention is always projected outside of self. I have learned that self-contemplation is the seed for creativity and I can love others without being devoted to them.


Bettye Johnson ©

In addressing a recent statement I read, that we can’t think outside of our brain. I would say that from my research and studies over the years that there is another premise. Our mind is the sum total of our thoughts and words. Scientists and theologians will never have the answer until they change their Flatlander mind-set.

We as humans are not our bodies. There is something much grander driving us – or operating us and that is the spiritual aspect of each individual. Although the word God has been misconstrued and it turns many people off, I will use it for lack of a more efficient word. We are all connected and I realized this many years ago when I received my first ‘aha’ while reading Ruth Montgomery’s book, The World Before. I immediately had a visual picture of our connectedness and it has only been re-enforced over the years.

We each chose to incarnate in a human body to create and to complete unfinished business from other lifetimes. We each were dreaming a dream of living on the lowest level of God, or the Isness, or the All. Some chose to live as the feminine and others as the male. We were given our body with a DNA and the genes of our parents. We were also given a brain.

The brain is the greatest computer ever created and it is under used. Scientists have said we use less than one-percent of our brain. Have you ever wondered about the other 90 percent? I have. Our brain is a sender and a receiver, just as today’s computer is. Using e-mail, we can send and we can receive.

Where do our thoughts come from? Thoughts come from our programming. Our computer brain has a program it operates. We, as the programmer keep running the same program over and over until something within us years for a change. Our program begins with our genes we inherited from our parents. These are triggered by what we came in to complete. Haven’t you noticed that in families how different siblings are? Some select certain genes and others select another set of genes; while they are different, they also share common genes. One child may be inclined to one talent while another demonstrates another talent.

In our programming, we are open-minded when we are first born. The way our parents, relatives and peers interact with us and teach us, adds to our program. We are heavily programmed by religion, schools, politics, the entertainment world, and advertising. When we accept the beliefs of others, we become powerless.

Women over eons have become the most prejudiced against genders. Theirs is a heavy-demeaning programming. Today there are many women who are waking up and realizing that there is much more to them than the old programming. Once the awakening comes, it is as H.R. Halderman once said, you can’t put the toothpaste back in the tube once it is out. It is up to each of us to look within and find the jewel of our talent or talents and to utilize them. We are each unique beings with our own signature. We need no stamp of approval outside of our self. We only need our own approval. We can change our minds and our programming by choosing carefully our thoughts and our attitudes. It takes practice over and over until it becomes a different program. The key is to never give up. We have the mind to do it.

How do I know this? I have been on a spiritual journey for nearly 40 years and I attribute my greatest growth to Ramtha the Enlightened One and I have been a student of his for over 18 years. As Sir Francis Bacon wrote: Knowledge is power.


Bettye Johnson ©
A future now is an enigma to some or as some would say, it is a puzzle. How can a future be now? Haven’t you ever been told that one must have a goal – a dream? I have, and I have learned that the goal and dream will only happen if one doesn’t tarnish it with doubt and fear. How does one not tarnish her or his dream – goal?

First, let’s take the majority of the population of this world. Most have no dreams or goals. And why is this? They have allowed others to usurp their power. They have given their power away to the
haves and become the have-nots. The haves are the ones who control the finances of this world and became the big corporate giants, who in turn control governments and the have-nots.

haves use advertising, sports, fashions, cosmetics, video games, movies, television shows, the news media and religion to control and sedate the have-nots into thinking they are living the good life.

What is the
good life? It depends on how it is interpreted. Let’s take one interpretation and we could say it is the path to the grave. Haven’t you heard the programmable phrase eat, drink and be merry because tomorrow you may die? Now, that is sad because the programmed good life is to become enamored with material things and to the need to be entertained. Thinking for oneself is not allowed. This is called herd mentality.

One has only to check out the parking lots of hospitals and medical centers and attempt to find a parking space – even at 7 in the morning. Multiply this with all the cities in the U.S. as an example. It is appalling to note that these powerless people are in actuality waiting to die.

Religion is the greatest detriment to having a future now. It doesn’t matter what brand of religion it is because if the main tenet is there is a god
out there, it means one’s power has just been sucked away and given to an empty belief. And yes, religions have become corporate giants. These people – the powerless have-nots, have become the walking dead.

How does one move from being a
walking dead or a member of the herd into becoming a future person? From my experience and perspective it means gaining knowledge and if the knowledge doesn’t make sense, say, as I have said, ‘it’s a possibility.’ This leaves a door open and other knowledge will come through the door to validate the first knowledge.

Why is knowledge so important? Because it allows one to dream wonderful dreams and have marvelous goals. There is an ancient adage that says ‘cast your bread upon the waters.” In other words, put your dreams into the water of the void and it will return to you. This is actually a reference to the quantum physics of creation.

Quantum physics is like an unlimited cauldron of soup to me and can be likened to an immense unlimited garden that can grow anything. By formulating one’s desire or dream into words or images in the mind, one focuses on it and this is the seed that is planted into the garden of the quantum. One waters it with an intent that it is and plucks away the weeds of doubt and fear. What does this have to do with the ‘future now?’ Everything!

The dream has been cast into the future and the coagulation of it in the quantum field becomes the now. The other ingredient to bringing a dream into the ‘future now’ is to have acceptance. To look into one’s mind and really ask,
do I really accept this? is the greatest assurance that what was dreamed, as a future does become a now. It is a matter of becoming one with the dream. Some may call this treasure mapping.

Our brain is the mechanism we use to access the quantum world and frequency is important. Our dreams are sent into the quantum soup via the brain using a frequency that we must become one with and this is done by acceptance.

The quantum world has endless possibilities. Who would have ever thought that the technology of digital cameras would peek into another dimension and bring us photos of beings that are called
orbs? It was dreamed into being. Perhaps these orb beings wanted to make contact with us. It is a possibility.

What else has been hidden away from our vision? So much! There are galaxies to explore and universes to visit with our minds. The ability to teleport objects from one place to another and for us to teleport us to another place. With the expansion of our mind, the possibilities are unlimited! The more we fill our minds with knowledge and tear down the boxes of limitations that block our acceptance, the more wonderful our world becomes.

Having been a student of the Ramtha School of Enlightenment for over 18 years, I find that my world and knowledge has been sharpened and enlarged. I would have never known about orbs or to throw my mind into the future, to know the meaning of the Void, which some call 'the aether', and also to study quantum physics, which I call 'soup'. It is a wonderful world.

It is all about Future Now. copyright: Bettye Johnson

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The I Am Method for Disciplining Children

In the wisdom of my years, I recognize a great thing when I see it. I recently read a story about how a mother came up with teaching a child – not by spanking but by the “I Am” method. I think it is one of the most brilliant ideas re child-rearing I have ever heard about.

The idea is that when a child does something ‘wrong’, that instead of spanking, time out or sending to the room, that the parent sits the child down and makes the child look straight into the eyes of the parent and then repeat slowly the following:

I am Smart

I am Talented

I am Creative

I am Trustworthy

I am Loyal

I am Truthful

I am Kind

I am Loving

I am Brilliant

I am Skillful

I am Honest, and most of all

I am Beautiful.

Please place this in a place where you will remember and when the time comes – use it with your child/your children.